What Maintenance Do Home Windows Need?

Window Installation and Repair Experts
We pride ourselves on being experts in home window services. McCloud Windows puts expert care and detail into every window we install or repair to ensure our customers have the best experience possible. We offer an ample selection of windows and work with local manufacturers to have every window custom built for our clients. Every window will be measured and built to fit your specific home. This means we can create garden windows, rounded windows, octagon windows, and windows in unique, custom shapes. We provide window replacements, window repairs, and a variety of other maintenance services so our customers know they can trust us with their homes. As an Ohio founded company we are proud to serve the community of Central Ohio. To receive a quote or estimate please reach out to McCloud Windows today.
Regularly Scheduled Home Window Maintenance
Making sure that your house is receiving regular window maintenance is important when trying to maintain a house for many years. Not only will regular maintenance prevent your home from deteriorating over long periods of time, but you will get to live out the benefits of having a home with well taken care of windows. Windows that don’t receive regular maintenance may not open and close properly if the window frames have shifted over time. The window locking mechanisms may not be functional either as the pressure from shifted window frames can cause misalignment of the locks. Both of these problems can be safety issues, but are also frustrating to deal with on a regular basis. A house that isn’t receiving regular window maintenance may also have sealant issues. Whether from the weatherstipping coming loose, or from cracks in the window panes a leaky window should be repaired immediately.
Glass Window Pane Replacement
Home window maintenance can mean many things, but replacing broken glass panes should be one of the more obvious maintenance tasks. Broken glass may seem like something in need of obvious repair, however in some cases a homeowner will leave the glass cracked for many months thinking that such a small crack won’t cause issues. We encourage every homeowner to make sure there aren’t cracks in their window panes that can cause leaking. Depending on the weather, broken glass can allow moisture to leak in through the window into your home. Broken window glass can happen randomly when the foundation of a house shifts and movement of the window frames applies pressure to the glass. If the cracks in broken glass are more severe it can allow airflow which will result in issues with indoor climate control. Insulation gas leaks can also be an issue that renders the windows significantly less energy efficient. When your glass window panes are broken and cracked other issues can occur like moisture buildup around the frame, and these issues can spread into larger maintenance problems. By replacing glass panes quickly you are preventing other issues from occurring.
Maintaining Windows: Gas Fill
Some windows are filled with a non-flammable gas that is designed for insulation. Any gas fill inside of double pane windows with cracks likely has leaked out and is no longer providing the benefits it once was. The increased insulation provides protection from rapid temperature shifts by providing an additional barrier between the inside of your home and extreme weather conditions outside. Windows with gas fill also provide a barrier for sounds and noise pollution. Having windows with gas fill muffles sound from the outside world providing a quieter environment inside your home. Double pane windows offer additional sound dampening and temperature insulation, but if there are cracks in the windows or broken seals you are not getting the full value out of your specialty windows. McCloud Windows offers window repair and gas fill services to ensure your windows are protecting your home from the outside.
Window Lock and Latch Replacements
It isn’t uncommon to find window locks and latches in older homes that no longer lock appropriately. As windows age window hardware gets worn down and may need replacement. As frames deteriorate over time the locks can lose integrity and no longer lock or provide the safety benefits they were designed to. We believe that every window should have a properly functioning lock in a home regardless of the age of the home or the windows. We offer window maintenance for locks and latches, and if necessary can provide a replacement for your window frames to ensure the structural integrity of your windows and the safety of your home. Windows that can’t unlatch are also a safety concern since windows can be an alternative exit from a building during emergency situations. McCloud Windows can provide a quote for your window maintenance and replacement locks today!
Emergency Exits
Maintaining the locks and latches on your home windows is very important for personal safety. As homes age the foundations can shift which cause pressure against the window frames. The window track may be warped making it difficult or impossible to open the window, locks may be sealed shut from pressure, or the window may not be able to be locked at all. In emergency situations, such as a house fire, a functioning window and window lock are crucial for home residents. Stuck windows not only play a role in emergency safety, but can be frustrating to deal with on a daily basis. Having your windows repaired and providing regular maintenance gives you the option to open your windows at your leisure. Have McCloud Windows come by to provide a quote on your stuck windows and get the process started today on your window repair project.
Repair Window Screens
Window screens are one of the most fragile window parts and will more than likely need some form of maintenance or replacement during the lifetime of the window. The mesh of window screens can become ripped or punctured, and the frames of the screen can become bent and no longer slide correctly on the track. Because screens are very delicate, homeowners often accidentally damage them while opening and closing their windows, or removing the screens while cleaning, doing home maintenance, or storing them seasonally. With our home window screen maintenance McCloud Windows can repair a window screen or provide replacements. For customers that want to upgrade to a more durable screen we can discuss different options and provide quotes based on the type of screens you’re interested in. Don’t hesitate to have a window screen repaired or replaced so you can once again enjoy the weather with open windows and no insects entering your house.
Preventative Maintenance on Windows
We encourage property managers and homeowners to take regular maintenance very seriously. Often small maintenance problems are left unhandled for a long period of time until larger issues require immediate maintenance. When dealing with window maintenance it is almost always more economical to have small repairs done rather than wait for small issues with your window to grow into a larger one. An issue with weather stripping can turn into a rotted wood frame, water damage on the wall, etc. Preventative maintenance allows professionals to repair window frames, sealants, panes, screens, and more before the issues can grow.
Energy Efficiency of Maintained Windows
Maintaining windows isn’t just about improving the visual appeal of your interior and exterior, but can be about comfortability and finances as well. Windows that receive proper maintenance regularly are more energy efficient and can handle more extreme weather conditions without faltering. Windows that have cracks, leaks, broken seals, or are in a state of decay are impacted by airflow, moisture, water, and temperature fluctuation. As windows age they can shift, and in older homes it isn’t unusual to see small gaps where light leaks through around the frames. When replacing older windows we offer Energy Star-certified window replacements that provide an excellent barrier for Ohio homes to help maintain the temperature inside during extreme weather.
McCloud Windows Installation and Other Services
When working with McCloud Windows you will receive professional customer service and professional grade work no matter the size of your job. We have a staff of qualified, trained window installers and technicians to handle any window related issue a client may be facing. We ensure that our window technicians have received not only proper training, but have been certified to handle glass installation. Our services come with free window replacement estimates to help you better understand the scope of your replacement costs. We provide many options for windows including energy efficient windows, sound dampening windows, and custom
McCloud Windows offers window installations, window repairs, window maintenance, screen replacements, frame replacements, glass replacements, custom window manufacturing, window resealing, and more. If you have any questions regarding McCloud Windows’ services or have questions regarding your window repair or replacement please reach out to our offices today.
Contact McCloud Windows
Windows are an important part of any home. Windows allow natural light into our homes and allow for cool breezes to connect us with the outside. Windows bring a warmth into a home that provides a unique comfort. When taken care of, windows are a great value and incredible asset to any residence or workplace. As experts in Central Ohio we are proud to have our work displayed across Columbus and the surrounding areas. If your property is in need of window maintenance or replacements please reach out to the McCloud Windows team today.